Tuesday, November 1, 2011

  1. America Offline:Only 40 percent of ethnic minority households subscribe to broadband
  2. digital divide:The digital divide refers to the gap between individuals, households, businesses and geographic areas
  3. Unequal Access-:Broadband in America today is not equally accessible like Poorer communities . 
  4. Innovators:Innovators or pioneers innovate in a particular field or personal stuff
  5. What are the options for better Access?:move to a area where access is there and cheap.
  6. Explain the Final Recommendations?
  7. What could be done to increase internet access and create more choices for communities nationwide? put more access out of the city for those people but give them cheaper prices. 
  8. What actions need to be taken to keep the internet open for users and innovators? put firewalls to keep them out of your internet or set passwords

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